Changes to the Fair Work Act

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On 7 December 2022, the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022 (Cth) came into force. It implemented sweeping changes to workplace laws.
Summary of key changes:

Pay Secrecy Clauses
Employees have a new workplace right to disclose their remuneration or employment terms and conditions to anyone or to ask other employees. Pay secrecy clauses in all new employment contracts are prohibited.

Abolishment of the ABCC

The Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) has been abolished, meaning the number of industrial disputes on construction sites is set to rise. 

Bargaining and Enterprise Agreements 

Employers who have 20+ employees and are not covered by an enterprise agreement still within its nominal term can be forced by a union into bargaining for a single-interest multi-enterprise agreement. 

Fixed Term Contracts

In most cases, employers are prohibited from entering into a fixed term contract of more than two years or where an employee has previously been engaged on two consecutive contracts for the substantially similar work. 

Want more clarification?

These changes are complex and can be confusing. For specific advice on how this legislation impacts your business, please contact us.
For enquiries about legal issues affecting the construction and property development industry, call us on (03) 9041 4674. | Email: [email protected]



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